There is now a growing body of resources on disability inclusive development, including databases, such as Source, which already provide many resources across a range of development sectors.
The aim of this website is not to duplicate this effort nor add to the proliferation of resources, but rather to select and highlight a few key quality resources in each sector that might be relevant to a donor.
Many resources have made the case for 'why' disability inclusive development is important. The sector is now moving to the harder task of developing evidence-based resources on 'how' to implement disability inclusive development effectively.
Resources included in these pages have been selected to inform donors on 'how' to do disability inclusive development, which may assist donor programming and decision making processes.
Resources have been selected:
- Which reflect rights based concepts of disability inclusion, and which affirm the role of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in the development process, consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
- From a range of sources - from development NGOs, INGOs, DPOs, Donors, academic institutions and the United Nations
- To provide, where possible, practical guidance and information to inform donor decision making, policy and programming
The lists of resources under relevant themes and subthemes have been reviewed by a selection of CBM advisors and partners. Quality evidence based case studies have also been provided to highlight good or promising practice.
Where available, this site provides links to resources which are accessible. We do not take responsibility for the accessibility of material provided at third party sites. (Please contact the third party site administrator directly if you cannot access a relevant resource at an external site).
Links to resources will be added over time, and links to new case studies will be provided as they become available.
Note: The names of individuals identified in photographs illustrating the resources pages on this site have been changed to pseudonyms. Exceptions are where an adult subject has given specific permission for their name to be used.
DFAT staff can access gender equality resources and technical advice through the SURGE (Support Unit for Gender Equality) facility at